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The following are a selection of the Wisdom Keepers we have had the honour of supporting thus far:


Brythonic Tradition, British Isles

Angharad Wynne has spent much of her life searching for fragments of her native spirituality, delving beneath layers of Christianity to follow pathways back through the portals of ancient myth and early poetry of Britain. Her journey has included training within the Western Magical Traditions as well as Celtic Shamanism. Since childhood however, intuitive journeys across the landscapes of Wales, listening with her feet, dreaming with the land, finding new, old ways of knowing have been her strongest inspiration. Along the way, the moon and seasons have become blood tides, nature has become her sustaining guide and the ancestors of this land her teachers.

She runs workshops, retreats, pilgrimages and courses, leads ceremony and co-creates ritual to share her understanding of the old ways of this land and their application now. This year Angharad will teach an MA module on the indigenous spirituality of Britain for Schumacher College and in the autumn, launch a new Spirit School, DADENI with her partner and collaborator, Eric Maddern. This is a three-year programme delving into the indigenous mystery traditions of Britain, with a number of esteemed teachers they have come to respect deeply over the years.


Colombian Tradition

Anthar Kharana is native from the land of the Hacaritama people up in the Andes in the north of Colombia, a land where ancient warriors used to live. He is a guardian of traditional medicines and of the Sacred Fire of the Americas, guided and supported by wise Elders from his homeland from an early age. As a Sundancer he carries the Chanupa (peace pipe) and Inipi (sweat lodge) medicines from the lineage of Leonard Crow Dog and became one of the Sons of the alliance of the Eagle and Condor, a New Nation united by the agreement of the Elders of the North and South America to become One. 

Link to Anthar's Interview


Druidic Tradition, British Isles

Chris Park is a Druid of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids. He lives on an organic farm in the Vale of the White Horse, Oxfordshire, UK. Working in a sacred grove, hosting ceremonies and teaching old ways and new. He is of Welsh, English and Scottish heritage, with over 25 years of experience of native British and European wisdom traditions, druids and cunning-folk. He is a beekeeper and apitherapist, a celebrant and healer, teacher and mentor, artist and musician.

Link to Chris's Interview


Q'ero Tradition, Peru

Spiritual teacher of the Inka-Nature Wisdom Tradition and international bestselling author, Elizabeth B. Jenkins, MA, MFT, is an American writer of popular spiritual books. She is a licensed psychotherapist, cultural investigator and organic farmer. She writes and conducts intensives, workshops and seminars on the subjects of: Inka Nature Mysticism, Q’ero Healing Practices and Organic Farming. In 2004, she established a partnership with Native Hawaiian Kahuna, and the indomitable Mother Nature of the Big Island, to bring people and nature together through education, service and sami.

Link to Elizabeth's Interview


Fuego Sagrado de Itzachilatlan & Andean Traditions, Canada

Erika Gagnon is a Canadian ceremonial leader and wisdom keeper of mixed race ancestry, who has walked the “ Camino Rojo/Red Road ” for 24 years, working with Indigenous elders of North & South America and their ceremonies, traditions & medicinal plants. She has walked through the altars of the Vision Quest, Sun Dance and Danza de los Epiritus, and has the blessing of her elders to continue their traditions and lead Temazcal (sweat lodges), water blessing, tobacco and other healing ceremonies.

Erika openly shares her wisdom on traditions and ceremonies of the Americas, plant medicines, sacred altars, ancestral lineage, the origins of disease, and how to transmute toxic thoughts & destructive energies that can cause disorders in our body, mind, soul & spirit. 

Link to Erika's Interview



Bwiti Tradition, Gabon

Marie-Claire Eyang, known by her initiate name Etincelle, meaning Spark, is a Nima – the equivalent of a shaman in her home country of Gabon.


Etincelle shares her message powerfully and invites us all to experience Unity and Oneness to a rhythm inspired by the fauna and flora of the great native primordial forests of Africa.


The gentle sound of her harp transports the spirit into a state of trance that opens the doors to inner beauty and peace. It’s a form of self-discovery that acts like a spiritual elevator.


The Deepen Tradition, British Isles

Water Seer, Sculptor and Spiritual Mentor, Julia is based in West Sussex, England, where she combines shamanism and the inherited teachings of her lineage in order to build bridges of communication across the Realms of Being in loving Service. Founder of Sacred Waters of Sussex, Julia works with communities to gently clear, clean and restore ancient water sites.

Link to J Julia's Interview 


Ngarakwal Githabul Tradition, Australia

Jarmbi is a Custodian of the Northern Rivers from the Githabul and Ngarakwal tribes. Over the course of the path walked during the last ten years, Jarmbi’s understanding of his own spirit was assisted by many guides along the way. Most of the knowledge embodied is “human”, not so much indigenous to any one country, but to humanity’s connection to the Earth, the Mother and Father. 

Link to Jarmbi's Interview

Youtube Link


Andean Tradition, Peru

Jeff Firewalker Schmitt, PhD, is a Scientist, Folk Healer, Tabaquero, Ceremonialist and Musician; he is a walkerbetween-worlds. Jeff is a dedicated practitioner and student of the folk healing traditions of Peru and North America, he is also a teacher of the healing arts of South America and the Andes. Over the past 25 years he has given nearly 200 invited presentations, including a TEDx talk and keynote at the Global Philosophy Forum.

Link to Jeff's Interview


Caretaker of North & South American Traditions, US

Jyoti is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As the Spiritual Director of the Center for Sacred Studies, she co-founded Kayumari, an international spiritual healing community with centers both in America and Europe. She has been initiated into and carries ceremonial ways from North and South America and Africa. She has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways. 

Link to Jyoti's Interview


Kaminchu Shaman, Japan

Born in Okinawa, an island off the south coast of Japan, Kazumi is a Kaminchu, a type of shaman who deals with the Gods. They communicate with higher beings, using the physical body to receive messages. Traditionally a Kaminchu does not appear in front of people, however Kazumi has been receiving messages regarding the future of the Earth and Humankind and so she has come to the decision that is time to reveal these messages and predictions regarding the spiritual and natural world to people around the world.

Link to Kazumi's Interview


Kichwa Tradition, Ecuador

Kurikindi is a Kichwa Amazonian Shaman. He was born in the rainforests of Ecuador and into to an ancient line of shamanic families. Kurikindi has over 36 years of experience. Since very young he was immersed in the shamanic way of life. He feels that growing up in his atmosphere was a great privilege and an honour. His family travelled long distances and to other countries in South America to spend time with shamans from other cultures and nationalities to learn and share knowledge and experiences.


Huni Kuin Tradition, Brazil

Ninawa Pai Da Mata of the Huni Kuin tribe is a spiritual leader and chief of four villages from the Humatai river side of the tribe in the state of Acre. Over the last 6 years he has shared his healing work through out Europe, US and India and one of the most respect leaders and shamans of his people.


Huni Kuin Tradition, Brazil

Txana is a tribal leader and shaman from the Huni Kuin people of the Brazilian Amazon. He lives in his native village in the Joardo region of Acre, Amazonia, Brazil.


After decades of encroachment and degradation of their ancestral homelands since Contact, the Huni Kuin have recently embarked on a new phase of engagement with modern cultures out in the world, to help us rebalance our relationship with one another and with the Planet for the safety and survival of all.


As a spokesperson for their culture, Txana shares the spirituality and shamanic tradition of the Huni Kuin people through their sacred healing chants, offering prayers and messages from the Planet, and performing sacred dances and songs.

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